Thursday, July 18, 2024 – The Canadian War Museum will be closed to the public Thursday, July 18 until 2 p.m. Please plan your visit that day between 2 and 7 p.m. Thank you.

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Armistice of 1918 Quietly Recalled Throughout World

By The Canadian Press

The Armistice of 23 years ago was recalled quietly yesterday by a world again at war. In Canada, the United States and Australia, Armistice Day was observed with ceremonies retaining something of the impressiveness of past years, but in London and other cities close to the theater of hostilities, the anniversary was subordinated to the more pressing problems of the war.

In the Empire’s Capital there was a brief service at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Westminster Abbey. A few hundred Londoners visited the Cenotaph in Whitehall and with heads bowed observed the two minutes silence at 11 o’clock. But there were none of the ceremonies that marked the anniversary in the years of peace.

Prime Minister Mackenzie King attended the chief Canadian celebration of Remembrance Day at the National War Memorial in Ottawa.